
Kitashinchi Harami Shin-Omiya

Postal Code 630-8115
6-6-1 Omiya-cho, Nara City, Nara Prefecture
Alpha Court 1F-6

tel. 0742-93-4700.

Lunch service begins.

Lunch service begins.

Open for lunch from 16 April (Fri).
Lunch/weekdays Monday to Friday only 11:30~14:30 (L.O.14:00)

lunch menu

Shin-Omiya Gozen ¥2,980 (incl. tax) *includes soft drink

Colored Harami Jyu ¥1,290(tax included)

Beef tongue burger set meal ¥1,180 (tax included)

[Take-out information] Orders can be placed up to the business hours of the previous day.
Pick-up is available between 13:00~21:00.

Shin-Omiya branch only Lunch